How to fill out your Italy passenger locator form

How to fill out your Italy passenger locator form

As for many that are willing to travel to Italy for business purposes or any other reasons, take note that you have to fill out a passenger locator form. Are you willing to fill out your passenger locator form and you don’t know how to go about it? With the help of this article, you will know how to fill out your passenger locator form.

Access Italy passenger locator form official site

To fill out your Italy passenger locator form, you will first have to access Italy passenger locator form official site. Discover more on PLF Italy here. Accessing the site means you connect to the official site. Why are we emphasizing the word ‘’official’’? this is to make you understand that they can be a non-official site for this. 

The non-official site is not known nor certified by the rightful authorities. So, beware of scammers. Now back to what we are saying. You have to connect to the Italy official site where you can fill out your passenger locator form. The form can only be filled out online as it concerns travelers to Italy. For this reason, you have to be sure of the site you are filling in your Italy passenger locator form.

On the Italy official site, you will see the demanded details that you will have to thoroughly fill out without any mistake. An error can be tantamount to your request being rejected. So, avoid errors in filling out your form. Ensure you provide the needful details. It will be for your own good if you correctly fill out your form.

Receive and print out your Italy passenger locator form 

Now that you have filled your form online, the next thing to do is to receive an email containing the PDF of your Italy passenger locator form and of your QR code. Moreover, after receiving the email containing all this, you will have to print out the form sent in PDF. 

The Italy passenger locator form sent to you is what attest that you’ve acquired the form. If you did not receive an email for this purpose, that is probably because the information you provided is wrong. For instance, the form will be sent through the email account provided while filling out your form. So, if it’s a wrong email account, you won’t receive any message. 


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